Proyecto Forestal Ibérico is translated as Iberian Forestry Project. We are a forest nursery which produces native species from the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and the Balearic Islands (biogeographically: Iberian Flora). We are exclusively devoted to producing native Iberian trees and shrubs and to collecting wild forest seeds. Our journey started in 1990 as a project backed by two Spanish Organisations for the Conservation of our flora and fauna: FAPAS (Fund for the Protection of Wild Animals), , organisation devoted with perseverance and tenacity to the conservation of the Iberian brown bears and their natural habitat in the Cantabrian Mountains and ADENA-WWF/Spain (Organisation for the Safeguarding of our Natural World), who is a pioneer organisation in the laborious Iberian conservation scheme Nowadays, Proyecto Forestal Ibérico is an independent organisation but with a clear and coherent conservation positioning. WHICH ARE THE AIMS OF PROYECTO FORESTAL IBÉRICO?
SHOWING he viability of the production and mass use of Iberian forest plants for several types of projects including native woodland planting, environmental impact correction of constructions and civil works, and in landscape restoration works for wild lands and urban areas. DIFFUSION and awareness creation on the need and viability of preserving the very rich Iberian forestry flora. DRAWING. The idea and practise of the Nursery is permeating our society. Our concept is not only diffused and practised through conservation organisations but there is an increasing number of wholesale nurseries which include Iberian native plants in their production. EDUCATION. The nursery is visited by a very diverse audience which includes Technical Public Officials, students and teachers from Universities and Vocational Training Schools, Botany lovers and those who seek to do training internships. GENETIC RESERVE. We produce in the nursery plants that develop from seeds collected from individuals and woodlands selected because of their genetic value. This will imply the conservation of these genetic resources through reforestation and landscaping. Nowadays the nursery has an arboretum which has been naturalized in order to be integrated in the landscape. Our arboretum consists of more than 200 native tree and bush species from our vast and rich forest flora. Proyecto Forestal Ibérico has as its final goal the protection of the natural plant cover. Thus, we consider that the destruction of native Iberian woodlands and scrubs through indiscriminate felling, plantations of both fast growing and exotic species, landscape transformation for agricultural uses and forest fires and the desertification that follows them are the greatest ecological problems that the Iberian Peninsula faces nowadays. WHAT DOES THE AGROFORESTRY ACTIVITY OF PROYECTO FORESTAL IBÉRICO ENTAIL? A) Production of one year old native Iberian trees and bushes ?young plants- destined basically to reforestation works. Also, production of medium-size plants (50 to 250 cm tall) used in landscaping and environmental restoration. B) Collection and selling Iberian forest seeds, generally directed to professionals and public institutions. C) Difussion, promotion and organic cropping of PISTACHIO TREES (Pistacia vera) como as a realistic alternative to agricultural crops on poor dry farming soils in the Continental climate areas of central Spain. Our young plantation occupies 30 hectares comprising BIOLOGICAL-INTEGRAL PISTACHIO TREES grafted on turpentine tree (Pistacia terebinthus) –arbusto native Iberian arborescent bush-. This plantation means a pioneer initiative in our county. ARMIÑO (MUSTELA ERMINEA) |
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